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Schermata 2018-10-18 alle 23.25.26


28 settembre 2018 ore 9.00 – Sala degli Stemmi, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Il PI di Emptyscapes è stato invitato a presentare un intervento su  Droni in archeologia: nuove applicazioni e prospettive L’integrazione di tecnologie robotiche e della ricerca in ambito archeologico

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Schermata 2018-10-18 alle 21.23.04


http://digiar.ch22-23 June 2017 Chur Switzerland Emptyscapes PI has been invited give a key-note talk at annual meeting of the Swiss Archaeology Association on: Archaeology in the Age of Sensing: Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology

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Conference 150bis


From March March 12 to March 15, Emptyscapes project has been at Kirkwall, Orkney-UK. LANDMARKS Orkney, 12th-15th March 2016 Saturday 12th March: Papers, Orkney College 9.30 Assemble at College – Tea and coffee 10.00 Introduction Dave Cowley, Mark Edmonds & Ingrid Mainland

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Conference 150bis

Key-note on Drones in Archaeology, Rome (Italy)

2nd International Conference of Aerial Archaeology: From Aerostats to Drones: Aerial Imagery in Archaeology 3-5 February 2016, Belgian Academy – Rome Key-note talk Expanding the Boundaries of Aerial Archaeology: from Balloons to Drones In addition to traditional platforms for low-level

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Conference 150bis

Key-note at ISAP, Warsaw (Poland)

The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, Scientific Association of Polish Archaeologists and International Society for Archaeological invited the PI to give a key-note talk

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